LOA Statuses and descriptions:
Draft - The LOA form has been initiated but not submitted yet.
Pending Delegate Signature - The LOA request is awaiting review and signature from the authorized signatory.
Pending Customer Signature - The LOA request is awaiting review and signature from the Customer.
Pending Third Party Signature - The LOA request is awaiting review and signature from the Third Party.
Pending SDG&E Validation - The LOA request has been signed by all applicable parties and submitted to SDG&E for validation.
Pending Customer Correction - The LOA request did not pass SDG&E validation and requires correction by the Customer.
Pending Third Party Correction - The LOA request did not pass SDG&E validation and requires correction by the Third Party.
Pending Deletion - The LOA request is awaiting deletion by SDG&E.
Active - The LOA request has been validated and is active. The Customer's information may now be disclosed to the Third Party under the terms of this LOA.
Active Primary - The primary LOA is in an active state and may contain one or more sub LOAs.
Active Revocation Pending - The LOA request has been requested to be revoked by the Customer or Third Party and is awaiting signature.
Resolved Inactive Primary - The primary LOA is in an inactive state and may contain one or more inactive sub LOAs.
Resolved Cancelled - The LOA request has been cancelled and will no longer be processed.
Resolved Customer Rejected - The Customer has rejected the LOA request. No customer data will be disclosed to the Third Party.
Resolved Third Party Rejected - The Third Party has rejected the LOA request. No customer data will be disclosed to the Third Party.
Resolved Request Expired - The LOA request has expired due to a lack of action by either the Customer or the Third Party.
Resolved Authentication Failed - The LOA request was invalidated by SDG&E because the Customer could not be authenticated.
Resolved SDG&E Rejected - The LOA request has been rejected because the documentation provided does not meet SDG&E requirements. The LOA will no longer be processed.
Resolved Invalid - The LOA request has failed SDG&E validation because the information provided does not match our records or the program participation criteria. The LOA will no longer be processed.
Resolved Inactive - The LOA has reached its specified authorization end date. The Customer's information will no longer be disclosed with the Third Party under the terms of this LOA.
Resolved Revoked - The LOA request has been revoked and the Customer's information will no longer be disclosed to the Third Party under the terms of this LOA.
Resolved Deleted - LOA not found because it is either deleted or purged.
Resolved Purged - LOA not found because it is either deleted or purged.
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